Covid Rules For The park

To All Group Leaders and Staff and Visitors


RULES APPLY to All Users of Orchard Park Community Centre

These are updated rules that apply with immediate effect.

  1. EVERYONE needs to continue using the hand sanitiser stations on ENTRY (on exit now optional), 20 second handwash with soap is an alternative for children.
  2. Tables, toilets, and all touch points need to be sanitised between each group.
  3. Windows must be opened for ventilation.
  4. Face coverings need be worn in all common areas (corridor / Kitchen etc.)
  5. All Toilets will remain SINGLE occupancy.
  6. Adults doing drop offs & pickups must remain outside.
  7. Please be sensible with Social Distancing and keep safe.
  8. Group Number restrictions have been lifted but I ask for a sensible decisions from the groups on this rule.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me via email.

Thank you for helping us keep the Centre a safe place for all the community. These rules will be reviewed again in October 2021.

Sylvia Jobling

Sylvia Jobling – Chair of the Orchard Park Community Centre